
Ali the BLVD

Ali the BLVD was a project created as a design opportunity from the Louisville Central Community Center in partnership with the city. The goal of this project was to create a proposal to redesign a portion of Muhammad Ali Boulevard, also known as Old Walnut Street, as a new tourist attraction. To do this they needed to create a new visual system for identifying parts of the district as well as information of historical importance.


The logo is inspired by Muhammad Ali without directly referencing him. This was accomplished by incorporating figures to represent community and a partial ribbon for victory/success.

Ali the BLVD color palette.jpg

 Ali the BLVD will be broken into three districts along “The Greatest Mile.” Each district is characterized by their own color and geometric pattern.


The yellow signs found throughout each district offer historical information about Old Walnut Street (currently Muhammad Ali Blvd.) This design focuses on the people and the places that made this street historically significant.


The round top stele design contains a window that frames the street and allows pedestrians to view Muhammad Ali Blvd as it is today in comparison to a photo of how it may have looked when it was formerly known as Walnut Street.